Mississippi Department of Agriculture and CommerceThe mission of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce is to regulate and promote agricultural-related businesses within the state and to promote Mississippi’s products throughout both the state and the rest of the world for the benefit of all Mississippi citizens.
Under the provisions of the Mississippi Plant Act, the Bureau carries out plant pest programs designed to prevent the spread of destructive insects, diseases and other pests when plant material, machinery and carriers are transported. These programs include inspection, certification, quarantine and survey activities. Information about some pests can be found on the National Agricultural [...]
The Bureau has authority from EPA under Section 18 of FIFRA to obtain a registration exemption for use of a pesticide product under certain emergency conditions. These exemptions may be obtained if significant economic losses are expected and alternative, registered pesticide products are not effective. Forms, Laws & Regulations » Laws » Regulations Contact: Jasper [...]
The Bureau has authority from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 24(c) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to register a pesticide for use only in Mississippi. This type of registration is based on the determination of a special local need as defined under guidelines and regulations adopted by EPA. A [...]
The Worker Protection Standard, commonly referred to as WPS, is a federal program mandated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and is administered in Mississippi by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce through the Bureau of Plant Industry. WPS covers pesticides that are used in the production of agricultural plants on farms, nurseries [...]
The Bureau registers all pesticides sold or distributed within the state. Pesticides available at retail and distribution outlets are regularly inspected by Bureau personnel for compliance with state and federal pesticide laws. Samples of products are collected and prepared for analysis at the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory to determine if products meet their label guarantee. [...]
Under the provisions of the Mississippi Pesticide Application Law, the Bureau carries out various activities to certify commercial and private applicators of pesticides, cooperate with EPA on enforcement of federal pesticide laws, inspect records of applications of restricted-use pesticides and investigate pesticide misuse complaints. Commercial Applicators Certification The sale and application of certain types of [...]
Under the provisions of the Mississippi Pesticide Law, the Bureau carries out various activities to register and inspect pesticide products, administer special types of pesticide registrations and exemptions, license dealers of restricted-use pesticides and conduct activities protecting the general public and the environment from possible pesticide contamination and misuse. To register pesticide products online, please [...]
Under provisions of the Mississippi Bee Disease Act, the Bureau carries out a program to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious and contagious diseases of honey bees. Bureau personnel inspect colonies for American Foulbrood Disease and other serious bee pests such as mites. Migratory beekeepers, queen breeders and producers of package-bees are required to [...]
The Bureau collects penalties assessed because of deviations that exceed permitted analytical variations from label guarantees on feed, fertilizer, lime and soil/plant amendment products. Penalties are also assessed for labeling, mishandling and adulteration of these products. Penalties are also assessed for yearly tonnage reports not filed within the time period allowed by statute. All monies [...]
All Fertilizer and Soil & Plant Amendment registrants are required to report tonnage of materials sold in the state to the department at the end of each state fiscal year. The reporting period runs from July 1-July 31 of each year. The fee for tonnage is .25 cents per ton for fertilizer sold in bulk [...]