Mississippi Department of Agriculture and CommerceThe mission of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce is to regulate and promote agricultural-related businesses within the state and to promote Mississippi’s products throughout both the state and the rest of the world for the benefit of all Mississippi citizens.
The Pink Bollworm, (Pectinophora gossypiella), is considered possibly the most destructive pest on cotton worldwide. It is native to Asia and has been reported in several states in the Southwest. The Pink Bollworm prefers cotton but will also feed on Okra, Kenaf, and Hibiscus. The larvae of the Pink Bollworm bores into cotton bolls and [...]
Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica) is a destructive pest, causing plant damage and increased control costs within the nursery industry. Grubs feed on grass roots and damage lawns, golf courses and pastures. Adults feed on the foliage, flowers or fruits of more than 300 different ornamental and agricultural plants. The beetles were first detected in New [...]
Exotic plant pest are weeds, plant diseases, insects, nematodes, and other invertebrate organisms that are not native to the United States. In some areas of the U.S., exotic plant pests have been found establishing and are considered invasive species. Invasive species are considered not native to the ecosystem and is likely to cause harm to [...]
Brown Garden Snail The Bureau implemented in 1991 a regulation to prevent the introduction and spread of Brown Garden Snails (Helix aspersa Muller) within the State of Mississippi. The Brown Garden Snail is a plant eating snail which can seriously affect ornamental and various other types of nursery stock. The regulation prohibits the movement of [...]
The Bureau issues federal and state phytosanitary certificates on shipments of raw plant materials to facilitate trade with other states and foreign countries. Many states and foreign countries require documentation certifying the plant materials are clean and free of disease and pests before they can be accepted. Phytosanitary certificates serve as written verification that plants [...]
The Bureau conducts a pheromone-trapping program for Sweet Potato Weevil (Cylas formicarius elegantulus) to meet shipping requirements of weevil-free states. Forms, Laws & Regulations » Forms » Laws » Regulations Plant Pest Program Kacey Watson Kacey@mdac.ms.gov P.O. Box 5207 Mississippi State, MS 39762 Phone: (662) 325-7761 Fax: (662) 325-8397
Under provisions of the Mississippi Boll Weevil Management Act, the Bureau assists with the maintenance/containment of the eradication of the boll weevil from Mississippi. Current Status The current assessment fee for the Mississippi Boll Weevil Eradication Program is $1.00 per acre. This assessment is due on or before September 15th each year. Background In 1997, [...]
The Bureau licenses all dealers of restricted-use pesticides. Restricted-use pesticides may be sold only to pesticide applicators certified by the Bureau to purchase and apply these products. Forms, Laws & Regulations » Laws » Regulations Contact Hannah Ferguson Dealer Licensing HannahF@mdac.ms.gov P.O. Box 5207 Mississippi State, MS 39762 Telephone: 662.325.3393 Fax: 662.325.8397
Farmers use results of vigor tests to determine planting rates, select the lots of seed to be planted a various times in the production season and insure the purchase of high-quality seed. When seed quality is good, the need for vigor tests diminishes. When harvesting conditions are poor and seed quality is poor, the need [...]
Please print out and make copies as needed of the Quarterly Reports and complete the appropriate form for the quarter due and mail with the correct fees to: Mississippi State Seed Laboratory P. O. Box 5207 Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762 » 1st Quarter Report (PDF) » 2nd Quarter Report (PDF) » 3rd Quarter Report (PDF) [...]