
Laws – Weights & Measures

Regulation of Moisture Measuring Devices Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 69-31-1 through 69-31-15  Provides for the testing and inspections of devices or instruments used in proving or ascertaining the moisture content of agricultural products.

Weights and Measures Law of 1964
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-27-1 through 75-27-67  Adopts systems of weights and measures for all commercial purposes in the state of Mississippi. Activities include the check weighing of packaged commodities, testing for accuracy of all intermediate scales and the wide range of heavy-duty scales. Provides for the licensing of all scale service repairmen.

Weights and Measures of Particular Commodities
Mississippi Code Annotated Section 75-27-113  Establishes a schedule of weights and measures of particular commodities.

Sale of Livestock by Weight Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-27-201 through 75-27-221 Provides for the permitting of all establishments that sell or purchase livestock by weight; provides that such establishments be bonded in the amount of $10,000; provides that all livestock auctioneers be licensed; and provides periodic testing of scales used by such businesses and certain other matters.

Bonded Weighmasters Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-27-301 through 75-27-325  Establishes qualifications and provides for licensing and bonding of persons engaged in the business of public weighing. Requires a bonded weighmaster to provide at his/her own expense an official seal for use on each weight certificate issued by him/her.

Farm Milk Tank Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-31-201 through 75-31-229  Establishes certain tank design standards, calibration standards and provides for the calibration of all bulk milk tanks used on dairy farms in the state.

Mississippi Uniform Pulpwood Scaling and Practices Act
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-79-1 through 75-79-33  The law was created to provide standard weights per cord for various categories of pulpwood for use in the conversion of weight to volume to weight in determining the selling price of such pulpwood; to regulate the measurement and receiving of pulpwood offered for sale; to provide for the licensing of all facilities receiving pulpwood; and to impose a fee to implement the provisions of this Act.

Weighing Devices for Farm-Raised Catfish
Section 69-7-701  Provides that weighing devices used for determining the weight of catfish shall be suitable for such purpose, subject to the provisions of the Mississippi Weights and Measures Law, and shall be capable of electronically printing weight tickets.


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