
Laws – Consumer Protection

Egg Marketing Law (Shell Egg Inspection)
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 69-7-321 through 69-7-339  Enacted in 1954 to promote the poultry and egg industry in Mississippi. Amended in 1972 to correspond with the U.S. Department of Agriculture “Egg Products Inspection Act.” Administered by the Consumer Protection Division.

Mississippi Catfish Marketing Law of 1975
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 69-7-601 through 69-7-617  Provides for the proper labeling of catfish. Administered by the Consumer Protection Division.

Syrup Containers Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-29-201 through 75-29-211  Requires truth-in-labeling of syrup containers. The law was amended in 1980 to increase penalty for violation. Administered by the Consumer Protection Division.

Honey and Honey Products Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-29-601 through 75-29-607  Requires truth-in-labeling of honey and honey products. Law was amended in 1990 to further define honey. Administered by the Consumer Protection Division.

Mississippi Aquaculture Act of 1988
Mississippi Code Annotated Section 79-22-35  Provides for the proper labeling of tilapia products offered for sale in Mississippi.

Food Sanitation Law
Mississippi Code Annotated Section 69-1-18  This law gives the Commissioner authority to conduct sanitation inspections in retail food stores.

Weights and Measures Law of 1964
Mississippi Code Annotated Sections 75-27-1 through 75-27-67  Adopts systems of weights and measures for all commercial purposes in the state of Mississippi. Activities include the check weighing of packaged commodities, primarily in retail food establishments, and testing the accuracy of small scales used in commerce.


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