
Centennial Farm Family Program

The Centennial Farm Family Program was established in 1976 by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, in cooperation with the Bicentennial Commission, the Governor’s Office, and the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation.

This program is designed to honor those families who have continuously operated a farm or ranch for 100 years or more. It is an ongoing effort to identify and salute those families who have worked and sacrificed to build the legacy of owning/holding their farms for a century. Families qualifying for the honor will be awarded a handsome certificate signed by the Governor, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, and President of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation.

Centennial Farm Family Program Guidelines and Application (PDF)

Hannah East
Market Specialist

P.O. Box 1609
Jackson, MS 39215

Phone: (601) 359-1179
Fax: (601) 354-6001